
The Search for the Android Todo App with Persistent Notification

In an effort to stay organized and productive, you whip out a pen and a piece of paper and jot down the list of your impending todos. As you move along your day, you tick off those tasks that you have completed, leaving the unmarked ones for tomorrow, hopefully.

A couple of days later, that piece of paper is now buried in various pages of office printouts and drafts, leaving the rest of your todos ignored, and thus, undone.

Therefrom, you installed a todo app on your smartphone. That way, you can schedule important tasks that need to be done on a particular time. Your phone will remind you when that task is due. Efficient and effective, you thought. Until the day you were in a meeting for a while and left your phone on your desk gathering notifications after notifications.

Overwhelmed by these notifications, you decided to clear them all. And thus, you missed your tasks again– ignored, undone! …

Evernote’s New Pricing Plans

Evernote revealed a couple of weeks ago that they’re changing their pricing plans:

Beginning today, the prices for our Plus and Premium tiers will change for new subscriptions, and access from Evernote Basic accounts will be limited to two devices.

So, for Basic accounts like mine, I’m now limited to accessing my Evernote notes in up to 2 devices. Although Evernote‘s regional pricing plans for the Philippines offer a much lower price at PHP550 per year (roughly less than $12/yr.) for the Evernote Plus account, I’m not too keen on paying for something that I can actually get for free in other services. …

We need 3D Touch capability in Downcast app too

Now that the Castro podcast app has gone free, I was able to take it for a spin, and I was impressed by its 3D Touch capability, so that you can instantaneously launch and play your favorite podcast channel (or playlist, perhaps?) straight from the home screen.

3D Touch for Castro podcast app in action

Thus, I’m contemplating of switching to this app instead of my go-to app for podcasts — Downcast. So, here’s a challenge to the developers of Downcast — update your app to integrate 3D Touch, and you can keep me as your loyal user/customer/endorser.

Turning Idle Times into Productive Times

What do you do to turn idle times into productive times? Say you’re waiting in line to see the dentist or doctor, or for whatever reason.

At this day and age, good thing we have our smartphones and tablets with us. Of course, you can’t do office works on their meager screens, but at least it is an opportunity to catch up on some readings.


Aside from the Kindle app, I also have the Pocket app where long articles have been saved for offline reading, especially if I’m waiting at a place without a decent internet connection. Otherwise, I’ll browse my Feedly feeds and Facebook and Twitter to catch some mainstream news, or play some top notch online poker.

What about you? What do you do to turn idle into productive times?

Twitter and Facebook Quick Post Buttons


Whatever happened to the quick post buttons and windows for Twitter and Facebook, just like what you see in the screenshots above?

Obviously, they were removed from the notification center when iOS 7 came. I missed it because right now in order to do a quick status update to Facebook, I need to open the SLOW Facebook app, which takes forever to load before I can proceed any further. And I don’t have Siri to do it for me. …

From NU 107 to – A Wish for an iPhone App

I have missed the music that is NU 107, especially since it signed off in November 2010. Rock & Roll world rejoiced when the former DJ’s of NU 107 put up an online music streaming site at to continue that music we have known. Yet, I always find it inconvenient to be able to listen to it only via my laptop.

So here’s a wish for an official iPhone app soon. is a step in the right direction for us rock fans to continue converge in one common music ground. So I hope they come up with mobile apps soon for the iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry.

Tweetbot — The Quality You Pay For

Tweetbot, according to the developers, is an iPhone Twitter client with a lot of personality. And personality, indeed, it is full of. From its first release, the Tweetbot app significantly defines what a quality app is — what is value for money in the mobile app world.

I don’t want to delve into much details on what this app can do or how can it be so different from the other Twitter iPhone clients. Instead, …

River of News is a $3.99 iPad App Gone to Waste

River of News is a news aggregator iPad App that synchronizes with Google Reader.

I bought this App due to some positive reviews. Now I can’t even seem to find where I once read that positive review.

Here are the features of the App, according to its website:

  • Infinite scrolling;
  • Swipe to change feeds;
  • Always in sync with Google Reader;
  • Share with Twitter, Facebook and more;
  • Mark as read while you scroll;
  • Optimized for readability;

Probably not so far ahead of the competition in terms of features, but they sound great nonetheless, especially the unique ‘infinite scrolling’ and ‘swipe to change feeds’ features. …

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