
The Search for the Android Todo App with Persistent Notification

In an effort to stay organized and productive, you whip out a pen and a piece of paper and jot down the list of your impending todos. As you move along your day, you tick off those tasks that you have completed, leaving the unmarked ones for tomorrow, hopefully.

A couple of days later, that piece of paper is now buried in various pages of office printouts and drafts, leaving the rest of your todos ignored, and thus, undone.

Therefrom, you installed a todo app on your smartphone. That way, you can schedule important tasks that need to be done on a particular time. Your phone will remind you when that task is due. Efficient and effective, you thought. Until the day you were in a meeting for a while and left your phone on your desk gathering notifications after notifications.

Overwhelmed by these notifications, you decided to clear them all. And thus, you missed your tasks again– ignored, undone! …

Toodledo for Windows Desktop

I’m thinking about shifting from RememberTheMilk (RTM) to Toodledo. That’s because I’m trying to lean towards using a GTD solution to my everyday tasks, may they be personal or business.

I find Toodledo to be close to perfect, if not perfect, for GTD. If RTM only has tags to categorize your tasks, Toodledo has tags, context and projects/folders. Of course both have priorities.

But I’m starting to like Toodledo more because of its great iPad app and its integration with Nuevasync (to synchronize my tasks with my Windows Mobile phone).

Unfortunately, Toodledo has no native Desktop PC application. I’m not a programmer, much less a software developer, but now I’m wondering, if the developers could afford a great iPad app, why not develop one for Windows PC? If it’s Flash-based or will be running on Adobe Air, I wouldn’t mind. The most important thing here is it can be accessed offline and seamless synchronization with the web service once you get online.

I know there’s Task Angel, but that you have to pay quite a hefty amount in order to use it. And it’s not native. It was not built to integrate with Toodledo alone. And it lacks Notebook support too. I’m really talking about an iPad-like application.

Hope the developers consider my request in the future.

Desktop Application for Remember the Milk

I once posted about the web application, Remember the Milk (RTM), which enables users to organize their tasks better.

I have to admit, I used the application but oftentimes than not, I hit the “Postpone” button.

Anyway, I have been searching and always on the watch out for any desktop application for RTM that would make access and edit of my tasks more speedy and convenient. There are various RTM services that can integrate into various applications and services, such as but not limited to, Gmail, Google Calendar, IM’s, Blackberry, Mobile access, iGoogle, Twitter, etc. There have also been hacks for a desktop application, some using Adobe Air, but most of the time they have compatability issues with XP or Vista and other operating systems, or simply limited in functionality (i.e., the functions you can actually utilize while in actual RTM homepage, just like adding due dates, list, tags, url, etc.). Some applications are just being so slow.

Organizing Your Tasks

Are you a task freak? Well, I guess I’m becoming one.

With so many projects at hand, may it be personal or work, or anything else, I needed a way to organize my actions and plan my tasks. I have been in the lookout for a good tasks organizer, an organizer that I can access from home and office computers, and even through my cellphone. It has to be digital, as I seemed don’t like the idea of bringing around an organizer with me wherever I go.

The todo list in my home and office computers as well as my cellphone must be synchronized, so the organizer from Microsoft Outlook is not applicable. In as much as I would like to utilize the organizer from my phone (calendar and to-do lists), it may not be able to hold up to my requirements, for a way to separate personal and work related tasks. Also, I would not bother organizing my tasks through the phone’s keypads, it’s just so inconvenient.

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