
Looking Back at 14 Years of Deuts.NET

I’ve just finished migrating my blog from to Google Cloud Platform. Along this process, I needed to do some housekeeping, and check for broken links. Thus, the Broken Link Checker plugin.

I was particularly interested in intra-site links especially images that might have been broken through the years. But I was greeted as well by broken external links, hundreds of them:

Websites, blogs, and pages that are relevant at that time, but eventually faded into obscurity. Those are the websites that Deuts.NET survived. If you look at the sidebar, you’ll see the long list of archive links. That makes up 14 and a half years of Deuts.NET. Looking forward to 14 more years to come.

Successful Transfer of Blog to

After so many years (7 and a half years) of self-hosting this blog, I’ve decided to move it

That way it would be:

  • Cheaper — I have to spend for the domain mapping ($13) and registration only per year;
  • More Secure — I have 2-step authentication in place;
  • Less Downtime — I suppose, it’s for speaking out loud!
  • Free Storage — I don’t think I’ll be able to use all the free 3GB of allowed images by the service — for the life of this blog.
  • It’s here to stay — Again, I suppose. WordPress has been challenged by so many but it will be here to stay.

I have always aimed for the minimalist design. I’m tired of fully customizing my blog. I just want a simple blog that I can write everything that interests me.

Appearance Reboot: Back to ‘Simple but Elegant’

After almost one year with my previous theme (whose last screenshot shown below), I get bored with the same theme, so I decided to try a new one that’s back to the basic and what a real “theme” should be: simple but elegant.

The Last Screenshot of Deuts.NET
The Last Screenshot of Deuts.NET

By the way, so far in this theme did I ever stick the longest in my whole WordPress life.

IntenseDebate Commenting System

The slow speed, especially at the backend, of my site could be partly attributable to a variety of plugins installed in the background that are directly or indirectly pertaining to and enhancing the commenting system. Now, there’s only one WordPress plugin to rule them all–IntenseDebate. …

Deuts.NET: Three Years Online

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of this site. Nothing fancy about it, though. No celebrations, no party, no drinks. No milestones to brag about, no achievements, no nothing.

Moving forward, I’ll continue to be in pursuit of knowledge. No failed projects can hinder me.

So if you are still with me in this pursuit, subscribe now to Deuts.NET.

Deuts.NET Upgraded to WordPress 2.7

Upgraded, and am loving the backend. It’s just so awesome and sleek, the fresh look and everything.

I have always been excited with this release.

I did the upgrade from WordPress 2.6.5 to WordPress 2.7 using the WordPress Autumatic Upgrade plugin. For those who are worried to do the same, so far it worked for me. Just make sure to backup everything first before doing anything.

Theme and Plugin Compatibility

So far, I don’t see any compatibility issues with my current set of plugins. The pages are working fine, including the backend (admin area). That’s so far as I try visiting each of them. If anyone notice any error or bug in any pages after this upgrade, please do let me know.

WordPress 2.7 Full Features

WordPress 2.7 is reach in new exciting features. One of my favorites was paged comments and comment threads. I still have to tweak the theme in order to fully exploit these features.

Check out the full feature list of the release over at the codex.

Bullet Points: Site Layout, Music 21, Revocation of Independence

Site Layout Adjustments

Due to insistent public demand, I changed the layout of the current Deuts.NET theme to be more “user-friendly” (as one of my critics pointed out). It has always been my wish to push forward my content instead of just some ads. Anyway, so much for those distracting advertisements, you will see less and less ads in the coming days as we push the design and the site itself into its full potential. I hope to hear from everyone how the new layout helped the design and the whole usability of the site.

Music 21 Videoke Contest

Saw this ad posted in the rest room of Music 21 when I last visited the place. Anyway, just let the poster speak for itself.

The Back-End Story

It has been a gruelling experience. Deuts.NET even has been down for sometimes.

I hate that Hotlink Protection feature in Bluehost’s cpanel. It almost drove me crazy figuring out how can I salvage all my posts and files in the webserver.

I just hope everything’s fine now. If someone finds irregularities and bugs, please help me and bring them to my attention immediately.

Celebrating the Unique Day 8.8.8

Lucky number, indeed. Once in our lifetime will this day ever happen. As such, Deuts.NET welcomes the day and the favorite number with a (what? again?) new design–a new look.

Unique designs by Deuts.NET
Unique designs by Deuts.NET

I know, the change of costume may have happened too soon from the last time. But what can I do, I was just longing for this time to come. And hopefully, we’ll stick to this for much longer period (I know I will).

To the old codelog theme, you have been part of Deuts.NET history. It was great while it lasted.

Sidenotes in Deuts.NET

While I was cleaning my site for broken links, here are some I learned:

  • This is what zooomr has become. It’s supposed to compete with flickr, but how can it compete when your photos once hosted in them are gone. This is what actually happened to some of my photos in zooomr. Those were not the ‘masterpiece’ type of photos, but hey, they serve as a documentation of my life. Poor photos, poor photo sharing site.
  • News sites to avoid linking to when creating posts: Yahoo! News and Manila Bulletin. Why? Because they can’t maintain static pages for their news articles for quite a long period of time, a year or two you’ll find broken links in your blog posts.
  • Successful / implementation for my permalinks. All posts now appear to have a / in the end. This will definitely affect search engine referrals and ultimately traffic. But hopefully, all will be back to normal soon. Nevertheless, I’ve prepared a friendly 404 landing page just in case one would get lost, with the related posts plugin to refer them to the nearest, possibly related, article.
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