
Smart GIGA Pro Out! GOMO is the way to go!

In these new Giga packages of Smart, you’ll be allocated 3GB per day, and they expire, well, as often as, every day! Whether you like it or not, you’ll be forced to consume that much data in a day, otherwise you can bid them goodbye anyway.

In real life, however, we don’t stop, we GOMO! For P299, you’ll have 25GB of data that never expire. If you really are a heavy user, you’ll actually find this expensive, as this translates to ~P1,200 for 100GB, vs. Smart’s 114GB for ~P1,000. But really, don’t you bump into slack days when you’d wish you could hold on to some of your data?

We’re not even talking here yet about the much cheaper call and text rates should you opt to convert some of your GOMO data to text and/or call minutes.

So, unless Smart could find a way to compete to what GOMO offers, Globe will surely be the winner here.

Can I use the GOMO Sim in a Pocket Wifi?

GOMO is so far the only cellular service that offer 25GB for ₱299 and that don’t expire. But is the sim only usable in a smartphone? Can I also stick it into a pocket wifi or a prepaid home wifi, to enjoy the unexpiring data?

I was looking for the answer around the web, but couldn’t find any. So I hit them up on Twitter, and here’s what I got:

So yes, you can use the GOMO Sim in a pocket wifi, Globe at Home Prepaid Wifi, or any unlocked/open-line wifi router device, only that you have to activate the sim first in a mobile phone (Android or iOS/iPhone) app.

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