
The Iloilo Aerial View Story

Helicam Philippines, an Iloilo-based aerial photography and video production company, put up a video that showcases the attractions in Iloilo and Guimaras.

Check out the colorful and eco-friendly environment, and the timeless culture and heritage that is Iloilo in the video that follow:

Check out Helicam Philippines’ Vimeo and Facebook pages to watch more aerial footages of Iloilo.

This is how it feels like scrolling through a window in Android

For purposes of this illustration, I used a Samsung Galaxy S II (SGS2) running on Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) and the official Twitter app for Android version 3.2.2.

When Samsung introduced the SGS2 last year, they promised amazing speeds with its 1.2 GHz dual-core processor. But then, obviously, this video is a testament at how hiccups happen brought about more likely by the ever-famous Android UI lag. Look at how the scrolling abruptly stops to open the details of a tweet when you mean it to continue scroll up.

Although I sampled only a single app for this demonstration, it is in fact fairly representative of the whole Android experience — that in Android, the system responds to presses that were never intended in the first place.

When I Got Into the World of EOS

This is the old commercial of the Canon EOS 350D that actually inspired me to take up photography as a hobby:


I once was hooked into photography that I bought every accessory I could barely afford. Now, it’s so sad to see them just lying around, gathering dusts. …

Acapella Video: The Voca People

Here’s an amazing video from youtube, an acapella from the group called “The Voca People”. I’m still wondering how they do the drums and beats sounds.


The Filipinos I’m sure are more talented and I still have to watch out for that video. Bring on the Pinoy style!

Ricky Hatton Interviewed in Bisaya

I never thought this could be possible. But he was fluent at it. LOL.

This was supposed to be a video before the actual fight. I can barely understand the whole conversation (could someone translate this please?). But I admire the timing of the audio and video. I can imagine the effort in putting up this funny youtube video.


Duha ka round gale hah…..LOL…

Manny Pacquiao Knocks Out Ricky Hatton in Round 2

It was a very short fight that on twitter:

@Pimplepopper: Lesson learned: if u buy tickets to a pacquiao fight, watch the undercard fights to make the most of the admission price.

Lesson learned indeed. For those wanting to watch the two short videos of the fight but are behind office firewalls or proxy server that makes youtube and other video sharing sites inaccessible, good thing you can access this site. Just come visit again for more!

Round 1

Round 2

Solving the Rubik’s Cube

Rubik’s Cube (commonly misspelled rubix, rubick’s or rubics cube) is a mechanical puzzle invented in 1974 by the Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik. Originally called the “Magic Cube” by its inventor, this puzzle was renamed “Rubik’s Cube” by Ideal Toys in 1980 and also won the 1980 German “Game of the Year” (Spiel des Jahres) special award for Best Puzzle. It is said to be the world’s best-selling toy, with some 300,000,000 Rubik’s Cubes and imitations sold worldwide. – Wikipedia.

Rubik’s Cube

The Rubik’s Cube world championship was held in Budapest, Hungary last October 5 to 7, 2007. The overall winner was a 16-year old who averaged 12.46 seconds to solve the cube in five tries. Read the news.

The Accountant

The following movie is a spoof of an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie trailer. It is using youtube, so for those who have youtube blocked in their office internet, I’m sorry, I really can’t help you with that. I guess you might have to wait when you can browse through an open access internet. Yet, I really recommend that you watch this because it is very hilarious!


Thanks to Tina Smith for referring this video to me.

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