
Creating and Maintaining a Personal Website

As a response to Suon Dondi‘s query here:

Personal Websites and Blogs

Most people maintain personal websites through blogs. A blog is what makes a personal website pertinent by posting updates every now and then.

When it comes to blogs, the first thing that should come to mind is WordPress. This is so far, in my opinion (and I’m sure a lot of bloggers will share my opinion), the best blogging platform.

A .com, .net, or .org domain name usually costs around $10 per year. That’s around P470 a year — cheap!:D

Blogger/blogspot actually permits mapping of domain names into your blogger blog. Say, you have a domain name at, you can make it map to your existing blog at so all your posts will appear within your domain name ( and all your former permalinks (e.g., will automatically redirect to your new domain name. This service is called Custom Domains. Refer to this documentation to set-up a custom domain at

But alone does not offer that much flexibility as compared to when you host your own website. Hosting puts you in total control of your website. But hosting entails additional cost on top of what you paid for the domain name.

Blogging at Your Own Domain Name

A discussion over at The Blog Herald, some people adversely decide whether they should spend (waste?) time reading blogs that have url’s ending in “” or “”. To some, these url addresses bring negative connotations as to the contents of the blog, although this may not always be the case.

Everyone, indeed, can just simply create a new blog over those sites (blogger and anytime for free. How sure can you be that the blog created from these sites you have bumped into is current, meaning maintained regularly and that the blogger was serious about it (which takes me back into wondering what’s the idea behind http:/ Who would like to browse a blog who’s only content is “Hello World!” anyway? …

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