January 2014

Turning Idle Times into Productive Times

What do you do to turn idle times into productive times? Say you’re waiting in line to see the dentist or doctor, or for whatever reason.

At this day and age, good thing we have our smartphones and tablets with us. Of course, you can’t do office works on their meager screens, but at least it is an opportunity to catch up on some readings.


Aside from the Kindle app, I also have the Pocket app where long articles have been saved for offline reading, especially if I’m waiting at a place without a decent internet connection. Otherwise, I’ll browse my Feedly feeds and Facebook and Twitter to catch some mainstream news, or play some top notch online poker.

What about you? What do you do to turn idle into productive times?

Life of a King

Ex-felon, Eugene Brown, establishes a Chess Club for inner city teenagers in Washington, D.C.

Starring Cuba Gooding Jr., this has got to be a must-watch for all chess enthusiasts!

Successful Transfer of Blog to WordPress.com

After so many years (7 and a half years) of self-hosting this blog, I’ve decided to move it WordPress.com.

That way it would be:

  • Cheaper — I have to spend for the domain mapping ($13) and registration only per year;
  • More Secure — I have 2-step authentication in place;
  • Less Downtime — I suppose, it’s WordPress.com for speaking out loud!
  • Free Storage — I don’t think I’ll be able to use all the free 3GB of allowed images by the service — for the life of this blog.
  • It’s here to stay — Again, I suppose. WordPress has been challenged by so many but it will be here to stay.

I have always aimed for the minimalist design. I’m tired of fully customizing my blog. I just want a simple blog that I can write everything that interests me.

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