July 2008

Roxas Boulevard, Mall of Asia, Bonifacio High Street, Serendra

Did really miss shooting for the last three weeks because of the busy schedule. During which time, my camera was not even out of the bag, thus the house. Really have a lot of catching up to do.

Below are the latest photos I had during my travel around the metro:

Bullet Points: WordPress 2.6, Dark Knight, Investments, iPhone 3G

Deuts.NET Related News

Deuts.NET is breaking records after records as regards pageviews and visits after I posted about RA 9504. But unfortunately, only a few bothered to leave a comment.

Windows and Linux

Windows is great…
I used it to download Linux!

Indeed, very true in my case. Without Windows, I could not have been running Ubuntu in my PC right now!

One thing is for sure, it could not be the other way around.

WordPress 2.6

WordPress 2.6 is out and I just upgraded Deuts.NET to the latest version. Every blogger recommends that you should wait a bit longer before upgrading your WordPress intall so that bugs can be fixed first before you actually deploy it in your blog. I say, who would find those bugs in the first place if everybody doesn’t want to try those out. Every version has beta and RC’s before the final release, for users to test and report bugs. Final releases should have been proven and tested. If you are worried about bugs and glitches, even though you actually have the time to do the dirty work of upgrading, then don’t upgrade at all.

Quick Online Tips enumerates the 10 best new features of WordPress 2.6.

Dark Knight’s Record Midnight Madness

The latest Batman movie, inspiring thousands of sold-out screenings and countless desperate hunts for seats, grossed a record $18.5 million at midnight screenings.

Gotta catch this one in theater.

What is a Good Investment During Recession?

Take it from the financial expert, Wilson suggests 4 investment options during an economic recession. As for me, I have no money to invest, so that leaves me no option at all during a recession.

If you are into “Finance”, 21 Wilson Street surely should be a regular read.

Top 5 Reasons to Hate the iPhone 3G

CNET counts down the top 5 reasons to hate the new iPhone 3G.

Republic Act 9504

An Act Amending Sections 22, 24, 34,35, 51 and 79 of Republic Act no. 8424, as amended, otherwise known as The National Internal Revenue Code of 1997

Looking at the stats of this site, I’m sure many are already looking for a copy of the law. I have good and bad news: the good news–I have a copy of the law; the bad–I have a bad copy.

Download: RA-9504 pdf (440kb)

As expected, there were no changes in the progressive tax table. Our lawmakers and our President sure have gained credits for themselves for passing the bill into law. But it only did affect the personal exemptions allowed for most of us taxpayers. Only a part of the taxable income was adjusted, not the whole.

Come to think of it, rice in 1997 was (at the maximum, maybe) P20 per kilo. Now, how much is it? You can answer that question. That’s basically how inflation has gone up since 1997, when the original law (RA 8424) was enacted.

Tumblelogging at Obeertym.com (Update: at deuts.org)

What’s a tumblelog, in the first place:

A tumblelog (also known as a tlog or tumblog) is a variation of a blog that favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated with blogging. Common post formats found on tumblelogs include links, photos, quotes, dialogues, and video. Unlike blogs, tumblelogs are frequently used to share the author’s creations, discoveries, or experiences while providing little or no commentary.


Tumblelogs usually consist of a stream of ideas (and media) while one is online or even offline. While blogs usually are long post, tumblelogs are short–just anything you want to share.

In the words of Tumblr:

To make a simple analogy: If blogs are journals, tumblelogs are scrapbooks.

I particularly loved the system behind tumblr to build my tumblelog upon. I received an invitation to try out tumblr long before, but I actually tried out the service only since last week. Having some spare domain names, I decided to put them up to good use and give tumblr a try.

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