MacBook Pro

The Pre-Retina Display MacBook Pro

Marco Arment enumerates the reasons, “Why the 2012 non-Retina MacBook Pro still sells.”

As we’ve progressed toward thinner, lighter, more integrated Macs, we’ve paid dearly in upgradeability, versatility, and value. There are many Macs to choose from today, but in some ways, we have less choice than ever.

When Apple introduced the 3rd generation MacBook Pro (MBP) back in the middle of 2012, it then came with the Retina Display and solid-state drives (SSDs) in lieu of the hard-disk drives (HDDs), but dismissed the optical drive altogether. Moreover, you cannot upgrade the memory (RAM) by yourself, it has to be pre-packaged when you buy it.

I own an Early 2011 13-inch Macbook Pro, and I’ll probably hold back from upgrading to the latest MBP in the near future. Why? Here are my reasons:  …

Spinning Beachball of Death on MacBook Pro (Spring 2011)

Since I upgraded my MacBook Pro to Mac OS X Lion, I often encountered the Spinning Beachball of Death, especially when the computer screen wakes up from automatic sleep after some period of time. This happened even either the computer is connected to a power outlet or not. I’ve tried quitting resource hog applications (I don’t use Photoshop, iMovie, Dreamweaver, etc. that much) like Firefox, Google Chrome, and even iTunes, but the spinning beachball just randomly occur — the most frequent would be once a day.

Waiting for the spinning beachball to resolve itself, to eventually disappear and get it back to its working condition is of no help. It’ll stay at that state unless I force shutdown the computer by holding down the power button.

It was already getting on my nerves so I decided to do a little research. …

MBP: Upgraded to Mac OS X Lion 10.7

Just had my MacBook Pro 13″ upgraded to Mac OS X Lion (10.7), and all I can say so far I’m enjoying the new features.

There are over 250 features introduced with OS X Lion, the major of which are detailed in the Apple site. I only got to play with Snow Leopard for a week before Lion was made available, and it was my first Mac experience. So honestly, I may not the best person to tell the differences in features, but let me walk you through the obvious and the most enjoyable for me so far.

Check out the pictures that follow (which by the way was taken using my iPhone 4):

Measure Your Computer’s Power with Fritz Chess Benchmark

With great power comes great… a strong chess machine.

This is especially true with computers. With greater computer processing power, the deeper the analysis it can afford given a certain position, and the faster it gets to come up with the better play. Thus, the computer becomes a stronger chess player.

But how do you measure your computer’s power especially when compared to another computer of different specs and processor?

Chessbase has come up with the Fritz Chess Benchmark program that comes packaged with every Fritz chess program it ships.

Using the Fritz Chess Benchmark utility, here’s my result with the current machine I’m using:

The result shows it’s got 4 processors (CPU’s), 7.87 times faster than a lowly Pentium 3 1.0GHZ machine, and computing at 3,777 Kilo Nodes per second. …

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