iPod Touch

How to Turn your iPod Touch into an iPhone

Do you own an iPod Touch 2nd Gen or later, and miss the functionalities of an iPhone? Then this post is for you.

Basically, aside from some hardware specs, an iPhone differs from the iPod Touch only in as far as call, text/SMS, and cellular data functions are concerned. Otherwise, they are the same.

I’ve never imagined this possible, but it is. There actually is an accessory that will turn your iPod Touch into much like an iPhone. Enter C Peel T188, T168, or T166 (depending on which generation of iPod Touch you have).

What’s the catch? …

More iOS 5 Goodness: More Alert Tones through iTunes

The 200+ features in iOS 5 obviously include the ability to select message (text) alert tones other than the stock tones in your iPhone.

buy custom alert tones

The drawback is you have to *BUY* them through iTunes. Nevertheless, it’s a good thing you have the option to employ different message alert tones into your iPhone, to avoid getting confused with other iPhone users in the office, as to whose/which phone did make that sound alert.

Read more: iOS 5 to sell text alert tones through iTunes

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