
Viber is getting really annoying

It seems like when users are getting more dependent on a service, these service providers are doing everything to milk its users. And they’re doing it in the most annoying way.

Take for example, Viber:

That’s for their desktop app. In the phone app, there appears to be a setting to turn off Birthday push notifications of your contacts. But not in the desktop app.

How in the world did Viber get a hold of contacts’ birthdays in the first place? Now it’s shoving it to our faces!

Viber is the worst messaging app ever invented

Viber seems to come up with updates every week. But those don’t fix the things that badly need fixing. For one, they can’t still seem to fix and disable the notification badge for muted group conversations.

Another I noticed is, there are just some contacts, especially business contacts, that are just annoying and barrage you with market updates, that you just simply want to ignore instead of completely blocking the contact and maybe offend the person in the process. But you can’t do that in Viber! You can’t mute a direct conversation with a single contact.

What’s more? You can’t restore backups of messages if you’re switching to and from iOS and Android.

To all my contacts, please stop using Viber already. I recommend Whatsapp, Telegram or FB Messenger instead. If everyone could only agree, I would happily uninstall Viber from my phone, my desktop — everywhere!

How muting group conversations in Viber (iOS) works?

When group conversations have become too busy you can’t keep up with them any longer, or maybe you just want to totally ignore them — at least for the time being, you actually have the option to mute them by going to the group’s Chat Info & Settings, and there’s a toggle to Mute Group.

However, what does this really do totally defeats its purpose. Yes, it stops the notification sounds from going off, and new messages don’t appear in the notification center, but the app badge still shows how many messages you’ve missed from these muted group conversations. Also, when you open the app, the Chats tab still shows the number of unread messages even when they’re from the “muted” ones, which clearly gets in the way when your intention was to totally ignore them.

So, unless and until Viber corrects this issue, I’m turning off notifications for this app altogether. Or, perhaps, uninstall Viber completely.

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