Feeddemon is a desktop applicaton that lets you subscribe to feeds of websites that offer them, just like news, blogs, etc. It let’s you keep abreast of the latest articles and posts from your favorite blogs, sometimes even without visiting them in the web browser.
Why Use a Desktop RSS Reader?
There’s a question lingering in the blogsite of Nick Bradbury, the creator of Feeddemon. Why use a desktop rss/feed reader when you have online feed readers like google reader, bloglines, netvibes, etc? For me the answer would be the speed at which I can browse through each and every feed as I go along reading them (or discarding them).
I used to avail of the paid subscription in newsgator and this feeddemon. I actually planned to switch to google reader once my subscription expires in March as I’m switching to Ubuntu anyway, and Newsgator have no desktop application available for Linux (there’s NetNewsWire for Mac). But now that it’s free, I find no reason why I shouldn’t enjoy it more. At least I always have that option whenever I cross platform and back.
Why go free?
Web Worker Daily provides a sound explanation why newsgator and feeddemon decided to go free. That is, newsgator plans to sell attention data to those who have use for them. It’s the statistics from feed views and subscriptions they will be selling to advertisers et. al.
I don’t think I have a problem with that. I believe that is nothing personal and would not invade my privacy at all. After all, the web and information online are always there for the taking.
FeedDemon or Newsgator Inbox?
Newsgator actually has two products available for Windows users. FeedDemon, which is what we are discussing here, and Newsgator Inbox, which is installed inside Microsoft Outlook. I have tried both products, and what made me choose the former as my desktop feed reader is that because the latter only makes MS Outlook (should I be using one) respond the slowest.
Download, Install and Subscribe
Do I still have to say this? Download Feeddemon now, install and subscribe to deuts.net feeds. It’s actually an alternative from having updates delivered into your inbox.
Aside from deuts.net, you can also subscribe to your other favorite blogs that offer rss/atom feeds and news portals like inquirer.net. Just provide the url address and feeddemon is smart enough to search for the feed addresss.
Don’t miss those important news and updates. Download, install and subscribe now.