Bobby Fischer, 1943–2008

One of the world’s greatest chess geniuses, Bobby Fischer, has died at the age of 64. A spokesman for Fischer said the former world chess champion passed away in a Reykjavik hospital yesterday. The US-born former world chess champion, who became famous around the world for beating the Soviet Union’s Boris Spassky in 1972, had been seriously ill for some time. Rest in Peace, Bobby.

Read the news.

Bobby Fischer has always been one of my favorite players. Why he has been so different, let’s leave it up to him. After all, he’s just being Bobby.

Chess fans have always been anticipating the return of Fischer on the chess board. One can only be fascinated by the thought that maybe someday Fischer will meet Garry Kasparov and play a series of chess games. Now, then, they are all fantasies, and will keep that way.

Bobby Fischer died at the age of 64, the same number of squares there are in a chess board.

6 thoughts on “Bobby Fischer, 1943–2008”

  1. My heartfelt condolences to the family of Bobby Fischer. Although I’m not a chess fan, I know him and I’ve seen the movie about his life.

    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  2. As if Fischer has a family yet. hehe. Anyway, the whereabouts of Fischer since he became the world champion in ’72 has always been a mystery, though reports say that he frequented the Philippines, especially Baguio City.

  3. Do you refer to the movie, “Searching Bobby Fischer”? Coz if you do, I think it’s more about the biography of IM Josh Waitzkin as he was continuously compared to being the next Bobby Fischer. Or is there another movie I have not seen yet. 😀

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