In the News

Last Friday, I received an email inviting all Deloitte professionals to join a photo contest:

Deloitte is looking for photos that capture the essence of the brand taking the journey on various modes of transportation. This is in connection with the Annual Review that will focus on Becoming the Standard of Excellence and the journey that we are taking together. This will tell the story about the journey through client stories, internal stories, and third-party commentary.

The photos should be journalistic style. Subjects should not look into the camera. It is not necessary to show the face of the subject.  Photos of just the journey without people may be acceptable. Think, the open road’s desert with footprints.

The prize…a video iPod and a trip to New York.

Jackie ChanHmm…this should have been my forte. Being a photography enthusiast. But just an enthusiast, not an expert, though. Should I only have the luxury of time yet, I should have taken this contest seriously. So, just good luck to the participants…

In the news…Hong Kong and Hollywood action star Jackie Chan took a break from filming martial arts movies and dropped by Manila on Friday to announce plans to open a coffee franchise here. [Read story]

The coffee shop will be called “Jackie Chan Java Coffee”, or JCJC, and to rival that of Starbucks. It is expected be open in three months’ time.

Another big sigh!

Coffee, like music and movies, knows no barriers.

Coffee is also a language in itself

Pacquiao wants to retire next year. [Story]

Maybe after about two fights, I will retire already. I want to personally supervise my business ventures. It really makes a difference when one manages his own business.

Next year is 2007…maybe just in time for the 2008 local elections. How is it?

For those who may still find a hard time searching through the internet about the mass schedule in the Don Bosco Church in Makati, here is for you! Click on the image to enlarge.

Don Bosco Schedule of Masses

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