The NBA Live 2007 is Gaining Speed

It can be noticed that my entry on NBA Live 2007 – The Final Straw is gaining speed in my Most Popular Posts. It is now third on that list.

I was even surprised to have an unknown commentator trying to voice out his disappointment with the game. Unknown in the sense that I don’t know him personally. But of course, everyone is most welcome (except spammers) to comment here!

This wonder led me to investigate more how did he find out about my site. Then, I found out that:

  • If you google search for a keyword “NBA Live 2007 bugs”, you’ll find my site third in the google search results page.
  • If you google search for a keyword “NBA Live 2007 glitches”, you’ll find my site seventh in the google search results page (fifth, if you exclude the indented lists).

So, how does this make sense? Is my site really that popular? (Hehe) Well, I can offer a reason for this though. Maybe I was just the only blogger to touch on the topic of the glitches and bugs of NBA Live 2007, plus some makulit commentators and die-hard NBA (Live) Fans like Lou Franz and Percival who are leaving those comments, adding to the popularity of the post.

Anyway, thank you to all who have left comments! And Happy 2007!