What Makes Globe’s PowerSurf So Unrealiable?

I was positive about Globe PowerSurf plans for postpaid subscribers when it came out. But then, I concluded that, 300MB per month is too much for my use.

So, I just availed of the 50MB plan instead last 27th of September 2011. I monitored my data usage using two crappy apps like DataUsagePro and DataMan, as well as via the iPhone’s settings.

16 days into the plan, I noted from my monitoring that I’ve reached my allocated data usage of 50MB, and now, 3 days after, I’m running around 75MB of usage.

Let’s check what the Globe’s FAQ say about this:

Will I be notified upon depletion of my MB allocation?

You will be notified via SMS but within 24 hours after you consume 50% and 100% of your MB allocation. Mobile internet charging will change back to P5 for 15 minutes after full consumption. Since there is a 24 hour delay in notification, it is strongly suggested that you track your data usage so you know if you have consumed it already and if you need to upgrade to higher PowerSurf denominations.

And NO! I haven’t received an SMS when I reached 50% and up until now I haven’t received any notification from them yet — that’s at least 72 hours (not 24 hours)  after consuming 100% of my plan. I’ve checked my PowerSurf Status via 8888, and got a reply that I currently still have an active PowerSurf subscription.

I also tried contacting @talk2GLOBE about it and NO RESPONSE so far.

So, what we as consumers can do about it? Just wait for our bill to check how did everything go so far? This is certainly a system glitch. Or at least, Globe’s system is not yet ready for that type of plan but pushed through with the rollout anyway.

Epic fail for Globe!

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