Awaiting WordPress 2.5

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Wordpress LogoWith lots of updates going on into the core of wordpress install, particularly with the upcoming WordPress 2.5, a lot of features are being introduced. I’m afraid there will come a time that WordPress would not be as lightweight but functional as it used to be. WordPress users are asking for features left and right specific to their needs. The WordPress team, it appears to me, are moving towards satisfying all those requests by the various users in one package, that is WordPress.

Bloggers big and small are using the same package from the repository. I believe it’s time that WordPress team already start offering at least two packages of the latest version of WordPress, one for lightweight users and one for heavy users. Lightweight WP for users like me who receive only a few visits and comments per month but needs the basic functionalities of WordPress. Maybe an advanced package for heavy users who receive a lot of comments each day.

This is just my two cents for the WordPress team….

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