Starbucks and Doha

Maybe, I was just being too sentimental last Sunday as I sipped a Java Chip Frappucino in Starbucks in the Doha Citi Centre.

Last Taste of Starbucks in Qatar

Yes, that was supposed to be my last taste of Starbucks in Qatar.

More pictures….



Currently, I’m here in the waiting area in the airport ready to fly back home. Adieu Qatar! See you friends when I see you!

2 thoughts on “Starbucks and Doha”

  1. Hi, i’m chika bugtas senior broadcast communication at UPd. i saw the link to your blog at yugatech. i’m doing a study about philippine podcasting. if you have time po, may i ask you to answer the ff questions po, kahit in bullet points lang po. you can email the answers at chikasci_bugtas-at-yahoo-dot-com-dot-ph

    thank you so much for you time. god bless!


    1. Who introduced you to podcasting? How did you discover podcasting?
    2. What are your favorite podcasts? Why? (Describe these podcasts)
    3. What are your least favorite podcasts? Why? (Describe these podcasts)
    4. How often do you listen to or download podcast sites?
    5. How are you able to access podcasts?
    6. Are you planning to put up your own podcast site? Why yes? Why not?
    7. In what ways do you think can podcasting benefit the Filipino society?
    8. Are there negative effects of podcasting to Filipinos? If yes, what are those?
    9. Are you aware of any issues being thrown at podcasting? What are those? (Ex. Podcasting will kill radio broadcasting)
    10. What’s your personal assessment on the status of podcasting in the Philippines?
    11. Do you think podcasting will click in the Philippines? Why?

  2. First of all, I’m not into podcasting. This site,, is not into podcasting. Yes, I do sometimes download podcasts like the Band of Bloggers by Yuga and company. I’m really sure whether you asked the right person. I’m sorry. Thanks for visiting my site anyway.

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