Food Photography

Food Photography: Sans the Dirty Tricks

I once wrote about the dirty tricks used by food photographers to enhance the photo of their subject product.

What really happens without those dirty tricks? See how reality differs from the ads. (The photo in the left represents what is in the ads, and in the right – the reality.)


Each item was purchased, taken home, and photographed immediately. Nothing was tampered with, run over by a car, or anything of the sort. It is an accurate representation in every case. Shiny, neon-orange, liquefied pump-cheese, and all.


See more examples in the original article at “Fast Food: Ads vs. Reality“.

Deuts.NET on Food Photography

You were in a classy restaurant, freshly served with the hot food you ordered, whipped out your camera and started shooting the elegantly presented food in the plate in front of you. But then you wondered why you can’t really come up with a superb picture, not even just duplicate the photo of the food in the menu.

Maybe you’re missing something. Or maybe a lot of things. Maybe you missed taking into account the use of motor oil, spray deodorant and brown shoe polish.

Yeah, you don’t want to eat food with these things applied in them. But these are the dirty tricks of food photographers. Read more to learn more.


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