There are several ways to generate a PDF from Airtable records using Docker. One approach is to use a library or framework that can generate PDFs, such as wkhtmltopdf or PrinceXML, and run it within a Docker container.
Here is an example of how you might use wkhtmltopdf to generate a PDF from Airtable records:
- Create a new Docker image based on the official wkhtmltopdf image.
- In your Dockerfile, install any additional dependencies you need to access the Airtable API and retrieve records.
- Write a script that retrieves the records you want to include in the PDF from Airtable, and converts them to an HTML template.
- Use wkhtmltopdf to convert the HTML template to a PDF.
- Start the Docker container and run the script to generate the PDF.
You can store the pdf in the container and store it or a way to extract it outside of it, with the help of some specific command.
Another approach is to use a pre-built service such as Airtable2pdf that can be integrated with your Airtable bases and generate pdf’s of it.
Note that the above is a basic example and the actual implementation would depend on your specific requirements and use-case.
The above quote was taken directly from the answer of ChatGPT about my query which is the title of this article. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to build a docker image from source, so I didn’t really get the help I needed. Good luck to me and you who are looking for solutions like this.