Certified Internal Auditor

Filipinos on Top of the World

Related to the article I posted a while ago, here’s another article written by Edel Mary D. Vegamora, the CIA Country Coordinator for the Philippines.

(Note: this was originally posted in her multiply blog, “From Edel’s Observation Deck“, which is the same article published as a pdf file in the IIA Philippines website. The article was reposted with the permission of Ms. Edel Mary herself.)

Written for IIA by: Edel Mary D. Vegamora
CIA Country Coordinator-Philippines

In the midst of the present local political controversies, further aggravated by the disturbing developments from the U.S. impending recession, which have brought about a string of panic not only in North America’s but also in Europe’s financial markets, then creating this growing threat to asset values and liquidity (as in the case of a reputable investment bank having to be bailed out of its liquidity crunch leading to its eventual sell-off), and then bringing these to bear in our local financial markets, and while several financial institutions are presently encountering an unexpected steep fall in sales — ah, this tiny bit of news, about ordinary Filipinos establishing their mark in the global arena, is most welcome, something quite different, a breath of fresh air, indeed, must I say, against the murk of panic and depression.

CIA Exam November 2007

The official results of the November 2007 Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) Exams for Philippines candidates are out, although the news are not yet included in the News and Events section of the IIA Philippines website as of this post. Results are also available for CFSA (Certified Financial Services Auditor) and CCSA (Certification for Control Self-Assessment) examinations.

PDF Icon The Gold Medal Award (Top 1), two of the Certificate of Excellence awards (Top 5), and nine of the Certificate of Honor awards (Top 25) were garnered by Filipinos. This means that aside from the Top 1, 40% of the Top 5 and 36% of the Top 25 were Filipinos!

Click PDF icon to download the results in PDF format.

Now that’s what you call Filipino excellence!

The Letter Says: “Passed”

Foreword: The registrar transfer for the domain name, “deuts.net”, is really giving me headaches. I can’t wait for the 7 days buffer before the losing registrar actually releases the domain name to the new one. So, we may encounter problems related to this transfer, such as we may sometimes find this site offline.

Anyway, let’s get to the real purpose of this post. Just received my letter today. It was dated January 23, 2008 and this is what it has to say:

Thank you for you participation in the November 2007 Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam. Your results are listed below:


At your service,

Jorelle O. Tuvillo, CPA, CIA

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