
The 45th UP Hamili Brotherhood Anniversary Celebration

After 45 years, some founding members joined the younger ones (and the young at heart) to grace the celebration of the Manila-based Su-ons of the 45th year anniversary of the UP Hamili Brotherhood at the Mutinational Village in Parañaque City.

To further grace the occasion, of course, are the foods, drinks, music and the fun:


Deuts.NET: Three Years Online

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of this site. Nothing fancy about it, though. No celebrations, no party, no drinks. No milestones to brag about, no achievements, no nothing.

Moving forward, I’ll continue to be in pursuit of knowledge. No failed projects can hinder me.

So if you are still with me in this pursuit, subscribe now to Deuts.NET.

The Annual

Today marks the first year anniversary of!

It has been exactly a year since started to propagate across the modern media called the internet. A year of occupancy in this piece of real property in the world wide web.

If you browse through all the contents of this site, you might find entries dating back since February 2006, which I just actually re-posted here from my other previous blogs in livejournal and blogger.But the domain just officially went online on 17 May 2006.

During the last one year, the site experienced several downtimes, thanks to my webhost. Nevertheless, we come to you loud and clear almost all the time.

My primary objective for creating this site was basically to connect to friends and relatives, to create a hangout (tambayan) where we can share ideas, news, sentiments and opinions. Now, did I achieve that objective? Well, probably yes.

For a year, I received visits from former officemates, classmates, friends and even strangers who usually are looking for Mr. Valix or an answer to their NBA Live 2007 queries. Established bloggers with established blogs, the likes of Jozzua, Jaypee, and Selaplana, are regular visitors as well. We have also featured four entries from 3 guest bloggers so far.

So, to, happy birthday! I wish you more years of online existence, more entries, more visitors, more subscribers, more inbound links, and more comments to come!

Thank you very much for your time reading this! 🙂

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