Mac Desktop Client for FICS

UPDATE: I actually already found a great FICS client for Mac: Raptor Chess.

If you have have read in my previous post, I’ve been a Mac convert for sometime now. And I would like very much to test the computing power of a Mac upto its full potential.

I also liked playing chess on FICS or And I have been looking for Apps or programs that can be a desktop client for connecting to FICS. In my Windows days, my favorite was Winboard, though I sometimes used BabasChess.

Went to the download page of FICS and tried downloading some programs from their list for the Mac. But all of them basically are not working. They’re either that the link is broken or is not working anymore or that the program was made for Power PC and not for Intel based Macs, or maybe just not compatible with Mac OS X Lion that I currently have on my machine.

I’ve really been a long fan of Xboard. I’ve tried installing it in Linux. So I would very much like to give it a try on my Mac. However, I just can’t seem to make it work. Any help is badly needed.

UPDATE: I actually already found a great FICS client for Mac: Raptor Chess.

0 thoughts on “Mac Desktop Client for FICS”

  1. Yeah right,

    this might be useful if you’re a programmer… I was having a hard time even just to find some way to download this crap. Can’t you nerds for once make something simple, for chrissake?

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