PNP Found Use of Youtube

In an effort to inform the public on how members of syndicates, street criminals and just plain hustlers ply their trade and how not to become victims of crimes, the Philippine National Police has found a good use of youtube.

These are really informative videos. I just wish, though, that these videos find their way broadcasted in mainstream media or more specifically major TV stations, as the latter will find more audience that will most likely fall victims to crimes demonstrated in the videos.

The videos were hosted by P/Supt. Gilbert Cruz and production done in Tagalog or Filipino. Here are some of them:

Criminal Modus Operandi – ATM Scam


Criminal Modus Operandi – Kotong (The Money Shortchange)


Criminal Modus Operandi – Street Actor’s Syndicate


Criminal Modus Operandi – Fake Plate, Sticker and License


The complete set of videos can be watched from here.