Of Jollibee, of McDo

Many of you might have already seen the youtube video regarding Jolibee mascots doing naugthy things in front of a camera. I don’t want to post the video here anymore. Enough for that crap. You can search it though if you want.

Such video circulated through emails, and especially blogs. Jollibee Food Corp. (JFC), on the other hand, made a response through email:

Dear Parents,

We regret to inform you that a video depicting our well-loved Jollibee mascots in a distasteful situation is now circulating online. The material is obviously no more than someone’s idea of a senseless amusement. Yet we cannot ignore the equally obvious risk of its effect on our children.

Jollibee created the mascot for kids, their wholesome fun and carefree innocence. We’ve worked hard and unceasingly for the mascot to earn your kids’ trust and love. It would be so sad to have all this swept away by one mindless prank.

We will not let this pass, neither will we let it happen again. Be assured we are taking all necessary steps to bring the culprits into account. One thing we know we can count on is your support in countering this threat.