What I Should be Missing

It’s already 2nd of December, and the spirit of Christmas is nil from this place. It surely is cold here. The spirit of the Doha Asian Games 2006 is here, but not the December holiday seasons.

candleBack home, it must be very busy by now for Christmas shopping. At the Ayala Center. stores must have already extended business hours to accomodate the growing number of shoppers. Christmas decorations must already be all over the place, from commercial buildings, to offices, to houses, to the streets selling lanterns, lights, and Christmas trees.

And of course, the food. Do I need to elaborate that we have no ham here?

wreathThe Simbang Gabi, I’m not sure whether I can attend one here in Doha. But I missed dragging myself up in the wee hours of the cold morning just to attend those early morning masses, singing along the jubilant songs, and the early hot bibingka.

I am thinking about employing a Christmas theme on my homepage just to feel the spirit of the coming holidays. What about adding a countdown at the side bar? What do you think?