This motorcycle rider thinks he’s Superman

Have you ever wondered how come a lot of motorcycle riders figure in tragic accidents? For driving like this one in this video:

So, for motorcycle riders out there, please remember these things the next time you hit the road with your two-wheel vehicles:

  1. Wear your helmet/s;
  2. Make sure that all your lights (headlight, taillight, brake lights, and turn lights) are working especially at night;
  3. Do not counterflow, and if you do–don’t expect the oncoming car to yield in your favor;
  4. When you overtake and eventually change lanes ahead of the vehicle you’re overtaking, do it like a responsible four-wheeled vehicle would do, i.e., provide enough space and use your left/right turn signal lights (make sure those signal lights are visible to the driver behind). Anticipate that the vehicle behind might accelerate even before you make your turn for not seeing you ahead of time.