Official Launch is Coming!

Welcome, we are nearing the official launch of this new site. The target date is tentatively set at the start of next month, June 1, 2006.

So far, few but significant changes have been made, especially to the sidebar. To keep the site more user-friendly, we have added a google search for our users’ quick access. Plus, we’ve added a new feature wherein you can subscribe to our feeds via email (i.e., if you decide to subscribe to us, you can enter your email in the box provided and upon confirmation of your status, you will be notified via email of every new post/entry in this site. This email notification feature is powered by Feedburner.

So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe now and keep updated about the happenings in this site. Freebies will be given to the first 20 subscribers!!! Joke Joke Joke!!!

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